Students and Teachers from the School and Rehabilitation Centre for the Blind (SRCB Padhar) keep us updated.
Last week we completed some "check-ins" with our schools in Padhar via Zoom. Board Members Amy Aitken and Krista Givens met with the Education Committee for Happy Valley English School and the School’s principal. Currently, as the school facilities are shut down due to COVID-19, grades Kindergarten-8th class are meeting on What’s App and grades 9th-12th are meeting on Google Classroom. Teachers are uploading videos for students to access, although access to smartphones, computers and WIFI is limited.
During a Zoom visit with teachers from the School and Rehabilitation Centre for the Blind, a few of the 20 students who are living at the residential facility came to say “hello. “ What a joy to see their faces and hear that they are doing well. School is expected to reopen mid-November, but since the SRCB is a live-in facility, about 20 children remain at the facility and are being cared for there.
During the visit with the Padhar Mission Primary School, we were pleased to learn that they are ready to hire two additional teachers with the support we’ve sent this year. They are using some of the monies we’ve sent to purchase hand sanitizer, masks and other safety materials for the children when they return to school.
We are still working hard to provide education to our children, even in these difficult times. Sending our love and best wishes to the teachers and students of Happy Valley English School, Padhar Mission Primary School and the School and Rehabilitation Centre for the Blind.
Amy and Krista met with the Education Committee of Padhar Hospital to discuss the current situation at Happy Valley English School.
Mrs. Alpheus, Head Teacher at Mission Primary School in Padhar, describes the situation.