The first time I visited India was with a group of German doctors and their families. After seeing images of the swastika painted on buses and over the doors of village homes, I asked “What’s this all about?” Understandably that led to an amazing discussion between Germans and Indians about the use of the swastika and what the symbol means in two very different cultures.
The Swastika is an ancient symbol of Hinduism, used since the early Vedic period (about 2500 BCE or so). Since it has been popular and widely used across many cultures in the Indian subcontinent, it has both secular and religious meanings. Most often it is used as a symbol for good luck, blessing and a wish of well-being.
In the long history of the symbol’s use in India, it was never used as a weapon of prejudice or racial superiority. Today I am saying a prayer for our collective well-being, our good health and peace for our hurting world.